教師姓名:李志偉 教授
辦 公 室:D710室
實 驗 室:東台灣心肌梗塞資料庫中心 (D721)
大一上學期 物理治療學導論、肥胖與現代文明病
大一下學期 物理治療倫理學、物理治療職涯規劃
大二下學期 基礎物理治療學及實作(二)、心血管危險因子概論
大三上學期 物理治療學見習(一)、呼吸循環物理治療學及實作、研究方法概論
大三下學期 物理治療學見習(二)、臨床物理治療問題導向學習、老化與心臟病
大四上學期 物理治療臨床實習(一-三)、物理治療專題討論
大四下學期 物理治療臨床實習(四-六)、物理治療臨床實習(七)、物理治療專題討論
碩一上學期 研究方法與統計學、物理治療評估與區辨、專題討論(一)
碩一下學期 物理治療原理、技術與實作、物理治療專題研究(二)
碩二上學期 專題討論(二)
- Lee CW, Chen FC, Wang JH, Lin CL, Hsieh JJ, Chang FM. The Exercise Capacity, Hemodynamic Responses and Serum Total Cholesterol Change of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction in Exercise Therapy: The Influence of Age, Tzu Chi Medical Journal, 1999; 11(2):139-146.
- Lee CW, Lai CP, Wang JH, Lin CL, Hsieh JJ, Chang FM. Exercise Therapy Can Decrease the Natural Recovery Course of Exercise Capacity and Improve Hemodynamic Response in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. Tzu Chi Med J 2000; 12:237-245.
- Lai CP, Lee CW, Wang JH, Hsieh JJ, Lin CM, Comparison of Time-Related Changes Between Body Weight and Subsequent Effects of Supervised Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction, Tzu Chi Medical Journal,2001; 13(4):203-209
- 李志偉、吳英黛、吳育儒、張芙美。第三期居家運動療法對急性心肌梗塞患者運動耐受力暨冠狀動脈危險因子之影響。FJPT 2002;27(2):90-99
- Lee CW*, Wu YT, Lai CP, Wang JH, Hamamoto H, Kawakubo K, Factors Influencing the Long-Term Effects of Supervised Cardiac Rehabilitation on the Exercise Capacity of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction, Journal of Formosan Medical Association, 2002; 101(1):60-67 (SCI)
- 黃千惠、李志偉、謝文億、黃敬偉、楊治國。慢性阻塞性肺病病人的六分鐘行走測試:呼氣末正壓呼吸對呼吸困難的影響。FJPT 2005; 30(5):199-206
- 李志偉、吳英黛、黃千惠、王志鴻、謝仁哲、賴嘉珀。急性男性心肌梗塞病患之動脈硬化指數。Formosan J Med, 2006; 1(10):566-577
- 李志偉、吳英黛、施教諭、王志鴻、王豐裕、謝仁哲。東台灣男性急性心肌梗塞患者之危險因子。台灣醫學 2008; 12(2):143-151。
- Lee CW, Wan JH, Hsieh JJ, Shih CY, Wu YT, Huang CH. Coronary risk factors for acute myocardial infarction among eastern Taiwan middle-age male between 1993 and 2006: Comparison between 1993-1999 and 2000-2006. (東台灣中壯年男性急性心肌梗塞危險因子之前後期差異探討—1993至2006年間). Formosan J Med 2009;13: 441-448.
- Lee CW, Wu YT, Tsai MW , Wan JH, Hsieh JJ, Huang CH. Age stratification in traditional coronary risk factors in Eastern Taiwan males with acute myocardial infarction. (東台灣男性急性心肌梗塞患者年齡層別危險因子). Formosan J Med 2010;14:485-495.
- Huang CH, Yang GG, Wu YT, Lee CW*. Comparison of inspiratory muscle strength training effects between older subjects with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Formosan Med Assoc 2011; 110(8):518-526. (SCI)
- Wu YZ, Lee CW, Shih CY, Huang CH. Effect of folded towel layers on skin temperature during paraffin baths. (毛巾包裹層數對於蠟療產生皮膚溫度變化的影響). FJPT 2011;36(1);20-28.
- Huang CH, Lee CW. Heart Rate Recovery in Men with Angiographically Patent Coronary Arteries. JPTS 2012;24:1167-1172. (SCI)
- Shih CY, Wen-Li Lee, Lee CW, Huang CH, Wu YZ .Effects of time ratio of heat to cold on brachial artery blood velocity during contrast baths: a preliminary study. PTJ 2012; 92: 448-453. (SCI)
- Wu YZ, Shih CY, Hsieh CJ, Lee CW, Huang CH. Effects of Temperature Setting and Wrapped layers of towel on the Performance of skin temperature Rise During Hot Pack Application. (溫度設定與毛巾包裹層數對熱敷包在體表升溫表現上的影響) FJPT 2012; 37(1):21-29.
- Huang CH, Lee CW, Wu YZ, Shih CY. Video Instruction for Measuring maximal Inspiratory Pressure. JPTS 2012; 24: 1051-1054. (SCI)
- Lee CW, Chen HL, Wu YZ, Wang JH, Chen SL, Huang CH. Relationship Between Average Temperature on the Onset Date and Body Mass Index in Male Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. (男性急性心肌梗塞發作日日均溫與身體質量指數相關性之探討) Formosan J Med 2013 ;26, 1503-1508.
- Lee CW, Wan JH, Hsieh JJ, Hsieh TC, Huang CH. Effects of Combined Phase III and Phase II Cardiac Exercise Therapy for Middle-Aged Male patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. JPTS 2013 ; 25, 1415-1420. (SCI)
- Lee CW, Wang JI, Hsieh JJ, Hsieh TC, Wu YU, Chen TW , CH Huang. Supervised Phase II Cardiac Exercise Therapy Shortens the Recovery of Exercise Capacity in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. JPTS , 2014 ;26, 1503-1508. (SCI)
- Chu ML, Shih CY, Hsieh TC, Chen HL, Lee CW*, Hsieh JJ. Acute Myocardial Infarction Hospitalizations between Cold and Hot Seasons in an Island across Tropical and Subtropical Climate Zones –A Population-Based Study. IJERPH 2019 (SCI)
- Shih CY, Chu ML, Hsieh TC, Chen HL, Lee CW*. Acute Myocardial Infarction among Young Adult men in a Reign with Warm Climate: Clinical Characteristics and Seasonal Distribution. IJERPH 2020 (SCI)
- Huang HJ, Lee CW, Li TH, Hsieh TC. Different Patterns in Ranking of Risk Factors for the Onset Age of Acute Myocardial Infarction between Urban and Rural Areas in Eastern Taiwan. IJERPH 2021 (SCI)
- Wu YZ, Lee CW. The Differences in Risk Factors of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Taiwan Based on Gender and Age, Formosan Journal of Physical Therapy, November 2000; (25)6:s74 Taiwan
- Shih CY, Lee CW, Wu YZ. The Differences among Coronary Risk Factors of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Male Aborigines Based on Age in Eastern Taiwan, Formosan Journal of Physical Therapy. September 2002, Taiwan
- Huang CH, Kawakubo K, Lee CW. Comparison of Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Outcome in Women versus men after Acute Myocardial Infarction. ACSM 2003.
- 李志偉、吳英黛、黃千惠。冠狀動脈Spastic Non-Q心肌梗塞患者冠狀動脈危險因子特徵之探討,FJPT 2004.
- 謝茜如、吳英黛、黃千惠、吳慧芬、李志偉。 Phase II Cardiac Exercise Therapy Can Shorten the Nature Recovery Course of Exercise Capacity in Patient with Acute Myocardial Infarction. The 51th Academic Confernce of The Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan) . 25 September, Taipei, Taiwan.2005
- Huang CH, Lee CW. The Effects of inspiratory muscle strength training for young-old and old-old patients with COPD. European Respiratory Society 2005.
- 謝茜如、李志偉、陳國源、黃千惠。六公里跑對吸氣肌疲勞的影響,第四屆華人運動生理及體適能學者學會年會,台灣/台北(2005/12/16-21)。
- Huang CH, Lee CW. Age difference in health related quality of life after inspiratory muscle strength training in patients with COPD in Eastern Taiwan. 2006 APTA annual conference, Orlando, USA, 21 June, 2006.
- 陳在玲、李志偉、蕭正光、謝婉華。台灣東部原漢婦女急性心肌梗塞與危險因子及物質使用之探討.台灣公共衛生學會暨台灣流行病學學會 2006.
- 廖昱迪、吳英黛、蔡美文、李志偉、黃千惠。男性正常冠狀動脈者高密度脂蛋白膽固醇影響因子之探討,中華民國物理治療學會第55次學術論文研討會,高雄醫學大學,2007/10/20。
- 莊雅琪、吳英黛、蔡美文、黃千惠、李志偉。1993至2006年東台灣男性正常冠狀動脈者冠狀動脈危險因子之前後期差異探討,中華民國物理治療學會第55次學術論文研討會,高雄醫學大學,2007.10/20。
- Huang CH, Lee CW. Heart rate recovery in subjects with angiographically patent coronary arteries: influence of aerobic fitness and ?body mass index. APTA Combined Sections Meeting 2008, 6-8 Feb, Nashvilie, USA.
- Huang CH, Lee CW. Gender difference in traditional coronary risk factors in older subjects with angiographically patent coronary artery. 7th World Congress on Aging and Physical Activity (ISAPA 2008), 26-29 July, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Lee CW, Huang CH. Age difference in traditional coronary risk factors in male subjects with angiographically patent coronary artery. 7th World Congress on Aging and Physical Activity (ISAPA 2008), 26-29 July, Tsukuba, Japan.
- 黃李琪、黃千惠、吳育儒、施教諭、李志偉。夜間睡眠發作型急性心肌梗塞患者生活習慣之探討,「中華民國物理治療學會第58次學術論文研討會」2009/3/7。
- 謝茜茹、李志偉、吳育儒。熱敷箱溫度設定與熱敷包毛巾包裹層數對於皮膚表面溫度的影響,「中華民國物理治療學會第第58次學術論文研討會」2009/3/7。
- Huang CH, Lee CW. Effect of Body Mass Index on Heart Rate Recovery in Men with Angiographically Patent Coronary Arteries. APTA 2009.
- Huang CH, Lee CW. Heart Rate Recovery in Men with Angiographically Patent Coronary Arteries. 2009 Jun (橫濱). 13th Congress of the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology (ISHNH 2009)
- Huang CH, Lee CW. Standardizing Measurement of Maximal Inspiratory Pressure: Comparing Verbal and Video Instruction. WPTA 2011.
- Lee CW and CH Huang: Gender Differences in Seasonal Variation of Risk Factors for Acute Myocardial Infarction in Eastern Taiwan. Paper presented in the 39th ISMH at Kyoto, Japan on May 10-13, 2014.
- 曾增顥、黃千惠、李志偉。東台灣不同肥胖度急性心肌梗塞發作日日均溫之性別差異探討。中華民國物理治療學會第67次學術論文研討會 (口頭報告),臺大醫學院,2014/03/29
- 梁晴、謝宗成、謝仁哲、施教諭、李志偉。東台灣急性心肌梗塞患者糖尿病比例趨勢變化及其影響因子之探討—2000至2011年間。中華民國物理治療學會學術論文研討會 (口頭報告),義守大學,2017.