教師姓名:吳育儒 教授
辦 公 室:D704室
實 驗 室:腦科學實驗室 (D716)
陽明大學神經科學(認知神經科學) 博士
陽明大學神經科學(分子生物神經科學) 碩士
大一上學期 物理治療學導論
大二上學期 物理因子學及實作(一)、基礎物理治療學及實作(一)、基礎物理治療問題導向學習
大二下學期 基礎物理治療學及實作(二)
大三上學期 物理治療學見習(一)、神經物理治療學及實作、長期照護物理治療
大三下學期 物理治療學見習(二)、臨床物理治療學及實作、臨床物理治療問題導向學習、實證物理治療導論
大四上學期 物理治療專題討論
大四下學期 物理治療專題討論
碩一上學期 人文關懷與實踐
- Wu YZ, Liu HW, Liu PP, Peng LN, Lin SZ, Loh CH. (2020). Age-stratified differences of physical capacity in rural community-dwelling Taiwanese older women: A cross-sectional study. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 90:104123. (SCI=34/53, IF=3.250)
- Wu YZ*, Lin JY, Wu PL, Kuo YF. (2019). Effects of a hybrid intervention combining exergaming and physical therapy among older adults in a long-term care facility. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 19(2):147–152 (SCI=15/36, IF=2.730)
- Hsiao FC, Tsai PJ, Wu CW, Yang CM, Lane TJ, Lee HC, Chen LC, Lee WK, Lu LH, Wu YZ. (2018). The neurophysiological basis of the discrepancy between objective and subjective sleep during the sleep onset period: an EEG-fMRI study. Sleep, 41(6): zsy056. (SCI=21/142, IF=5.849)
- 林春香、吳育儒* (2018)。以動作再學習計畫為基礎之個別化訓練對嚴重退化性小腦共濟失調患者之應用:個案報告。物理治療 43(2):95–109。
- Sung HC, Lee WL, Li HM, Lin CY, Wu YZ, Wang JJ, Li TL. (2017). Familiar Music Listening with Binaural Beats for Older People with Depressive Symptoms in Retirement Homes. Neuropsychiatry (London), 7(4):347–353 (SCI=21/142, IF=4.778)
- 陳家慶、黃寶、梁忠詔、吳育儒* (2016)。簡易居家階梯移行輔具於完全性胸髓損傷患者之應用:個案報告。物理治療 41(2):57–63。
- Lee CW, Wang JH, Hsieh JC, Hsieh TC, Wu YZ, Chen TW, Huang CH. (2013). Supervised phase II cardiac exercise therapy shortens the recovery of exercise capacity on patients with acute myocardial infarction. J Phys Ther Sci, 25(11):1415–1420. (SCI=57/62, IF=0.20).
- 迪魯‧法納奧、吳育儒、黃國欽、黃森芳、陳怡靜 (2013)。規律運動對於健康青年身體狀態的影響。慈濟技術學院學報 21:89–100。
- 李志偉、陳翰霖、吳育儒、王志鴻、陳世嵐、黃千惠 (2013)。男性急性心肌梗塞發作日日均溫與身體質量指數相關性之探討。台灣醫學 17(4):359–367。
- Huang CH, Lee CW, Wu YZ, Shih CY. (2012). Video instruction for measuring maximal inspiratory pressure. J Phys Ther Sci, 24:1051–1054. (SCI=57/62, IF=0.20).
- Shih CY, Lee WL, Lee CW, Huang CH, Wu YZ.* (2012). Effect of time ratio of heat to cold on brachial artery blood velocity during contrast baths. Physical Therapy, 92(3):448–453. (SCI=7/62, IF=3.25)
- 吳育儒*、李志偉、施教諭、黃千惠 (2012)。溫度設定與毛巾包裹層數對熱敷包在體表升溫表現上的影響。物理治療 37(1):21–29。
- 吳育儒*、施教諭 (2011)。環境特質對冷敷包熱傳導的影響。慈濟技術學院學報 17:321–332。
- 郭德貞、吳育儒* (2011)。溫泉及水中運動之認知與溫泉資源利用的相關研究。慈濟技術學院學報 17:303–320。
- 施教諭、謝茜茹、吳育儒* (2011)。毛巾層數包裹對於熱敷包產生體表溫度變化的影響。慈濟技術學院學報 17:207–218。
- 宋惠娟、梁秀庭、李文禮、吳育儒* (2011)。放鬆音樂聆聽對護理學生焦慮的前驅研究。慈濟技術學院學報17:157–168。
- 郭德貞、吳育儒*、陳家潔 (2011)。台灣東部物理治療系畢業生就業現況、就業滿意度與對學校教學滿意度之調查研究。慈濟技術學院學報 16:397–416。
- 吳育儒*、李志偉、施教諭、黃千惠 (2011)。毛巾包裹層數對於蠟療產生皮膚溫度變化的影響。物理治療 36(1):20–28。
- Sung HC*, Lee WL, Li TL, Lee MS, Lee HM, & Wu YZ. (2010). The effects of mealtime music listening for older adults with dementia: A systematic review [abstract]. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare, 8(3):197.
- Sung HC*, Lee WL, Li TL, Lee MS, Lee HM, Wu YZ. (2010). Familiar music listening with binaural beats to reduce anxiety state of Taiwanese older adults [abstract]. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare, 8(3):240.
- 陳家慶、梁忠詔、黃寶、洪大為、吳育儒* (2010)。簡易居家階梯移行輔具研發設計與功能分析。物理治療 35(3):263–267。
- Chen CC, Hsieh JC, Wu YZ, Lee PL, Chen SS, Niddam DM, Yeh TC, and Wu YT. (2008). Mutual-information based approach for neural connectivity during self-paced finger lifting task. Human Brain Mapping, 29(3):265–280. (SCI=5/85, IF=6.92)
- Chen SS, Chen LF, Wu YT, Wu YZ, Lee PL, Yeh TC, and Hsieh JC. (2007). Detection of Synchronization between Chaotic Signals: an Adaptive Similarity-based Approach. Physical Review E, 76, 066208. (SCI=2/41, IF=2.33)
- Wu YZ, Yang TH, Chen SS, Lin YY, Liao KK, Chen LF, Yeh TC, Wu YT, Ho LT, Hsieh JC. (2006). Dimensional complexity of neuromagnetic activity reduced during finger movement of greater difficulty. Clin Neurophysiol, 117(11):2473–2481. (SCI=39/147, IF=2.98)
- Wu YZ, Niddam DM, Chen CC, Liao KK, Cheng CM, Chen LF, Lee PL, Chen SS, Yeh TC, Hsieh JC. (2006). Effects of cognitive demands on postmovement motor cortical deactivation. NeuroReport, 17(4):371–375. (SCI=120/199, IF=1.64)
- 李志偉、吳英黛、吳育儒、張芙美 (2002)。第三期居家運動療法對急性心肌梗塞患者運動耐受力暨冠狀動脈危險因子之影響。物理治療 27(2):90–99。
- Lin JY, Wu YZ,* Wu PL, Kuo YF, Kuo KL. (2018). Feasibility, Safety and Clinical Effectiveness of Exergaming Combined With Traditional Exercise Interventions for Institutional Residents. The 76th Academic Symposium of Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan), 8 September, Taichung, Taiwan. (oral presentation)
- Lin C.-H & Wu YZ.* (2017) Clinical application of motor relearning program for a patient with degenerative cerebellar ataxia: A case report. The 74th Academic Symposium of Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan), 23 September, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (oral presentation)
- Shih CY,Lee WL, Wu YZ, Lee CW, Huang CH. (2014). Time-course changes in local and systemic vasomotor activities during a hand warming in young individuals. The 39th World Congress of International Society of Medical Hydrology and climatology (ISMH), 11–14 May, Japan. (Oral presentation)
- Lee CW, Huang CH, Shih CY, Wu YZ, Tseng TH. (2014). Gender differences in seasonal variation of risk factors for acute myocardial infarction in eastern Taiwan. The 39thWorld Congress of International Society of Medical Hydrology and climatology (ISMH), 11–14 May, Japan. (Oral presentation)
- Hung MS & Wu YZ.* (2011). Neural Mechanisms of Mirror Movement: an EEG study. The 62th Academic Symposium of Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan), 19 March, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Sung HC, Lee WL, Li TL, Lee MS, Lee HM, & Wu YZ. (2010). The effects of mealtime music listening for older adults with dementia: A systematic review. The 7th Biennial Joanna Briggs International Colloquium, 13–15 September, Chicago, USA. (oral presentation)
- Sung HC, Lee WL, Li TL, Lee MS, Lee HM, & Wu YZ. (2010). Familiar music listening with binaural beats to reduce anxiety state of Taiwanese older adults. The 7th Biennial Joanna Briggs International Colloquium, 13–15 September, Chicago, USA.
- 郭德貞、吳育儒* (2010)。大學生對溫泉結合水中運動治療及溫泉利用之利用—以東部地區為例,台中市玉山醫務暨健康管理學會2010年學術研討會(海報展示),元培科技大學,2010/05/16。
- 吳育儒、郭德貞 (2009)。水中運動結合溫泉療法接受度初探,2009休閒季溫泉產業經營研討會(口頭發表),嘉南藥理科技大學,2009/05/01。
- Chang CJ, Peng HY, Tsai CH, Lee CW, & Wu YZ.* (2009) Effect of 6 Successive Days Warm Foot Baths on Ryodoraku in Healthy Young Women. The 59th Academic Symposium of Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan), 26 September, Tainan, Taiwan. (oral presentation)
- Hsieh CJ, Lee CW, Wu YZ.* (2009). Effect of temperature setting of water tanks and wrapped layers of towels on skin temperature during and after hot pack treatment. The 58th Academic Symposium of Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan), 7 March, Taipei, Taiwan. (oral presentation)
- 黃李琪、黃千惠、吳育儒、施教諭、李志偉。夜間睡眠發作型急性心肌梗塞患者生活習慣之探討,「中華民國物理治療學會第58次學術論文研討會」(口頭發表),臺大醫學院,2009/3/7。
- Sung HC, Lee WL, Lian YS, & Wu YZ. (2009). Effect of relaxed music with binaural beats on anxiety of student nurses: Preliminary results. International Conference to Celebrate Twenty Years Excellence of Sigma Theta Tau, Lambda Beta-at-Large Chapter in Taiwan, R.O.C.: Empowering nursing through excellent practice and leadership, 13–14 February, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Shih CY, Wu YZ.*, Lee WL. (2008) Effect of time ratios of contrast baths on the dynamic blood flow in conduit artery. The 10th International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy (ACPT), 29 August–1 September, Chiba, Japan.
- Shih CY, Wu YZ.*, Lee WL. (2008) Effect of time ratio of contrast baths on blood flow of the brachial artery. The 56th Academic Symposium of Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan), 30 March, Taipei, Taiwan. (oral presentation)
- Wu YZ, Niddam DM, Chen CC, Liao KK, Cheng CM, Chen LF, Yeh TC, and Hsieh JC. (2006) Postmovement Motor Cortical Deactivation Can Be Affected by Cognitive Demands: An MEG Study. The 52th Academic Symposium of Physical Therapy Association of ROC (Taiwan), 24–25 March, Taipei, Taiwan. (oral presentation)
- Chen CC, Wu YT, Lee PL, Wu YZ, and Hsieh JC. (2005) Mutual Information Based Approach for Detecting Cortical Connectivity During Self-Paced Finger Lifting Tasks. 12th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 30 October–2 November, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chen SS, Wu YT, Lee PL, Wu YZ, and Hsieh JC. (2005) Information-Based Approach to Brain Connectivity During Simple Index Finger Movements. 12th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 30 October–2 November, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Wu YZ, Yang DH, Chen CC, Chen LF, Lee PL, Cheng CM, Yeh TC, Wu YT, and Hsieh JC. (2004) Neuromagnetic dynamics of human motor cortical activities at different movement rates. The 8th International Evoked Potentials Symposium, 5–8 October, Fukuoka, Japan. (oral presentation)
- Chen CC, Wu YT, Lee PL, Chen SS, Wu YZ, Chen LF, Yeh TC, and Hsieh JC. (2004) Time-frequency cross mutual information approach for functional connectivity during self-paced finger lifting tasks. The 8th International Evoked Potentials Symposium, 5–8 October, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Wu YZ, Yang DH, Chen LF, Lee PL, Cheng CM, Chen CC, Yeh TC, Wu YT, and Hsieh JC. (2004) Movement rate effect on neuromagnetic dynamics of motor cortical areas. The 2004 Annual Conference of National Yang-Ming University, 25 June, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Wu YZ, Chen LF, Lee PL, Cheng CM, Niddam DM, Yeh TC, Wu YT, and Hsieh JC. (2004) Neuromagnetic dynamics of human cortical activities at different movement rates. Symposium on New Vistas for the Plasticity of Brain, 21–22 February, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Wu YZ, Cheng CM, Lee PL, Chen LF, Niddam DM, Yeh TC, Wu YT, and Hsieh JC. (2003) Neuromagnetic dynamics of human cortical activities at different movement rates. The Society for Neuroscience 33 rd Annual Meeting, 8–12 November, New Orleans, LA, USA. (oral presentation)
- Chen CC, Wu YT, Lee PL, Chen SS, Wu YZ, Chen LF, Yeh TZ, and Hsieh JC. (2003) Applications of mutual information to investigate the neural connectivity during self-paced finger lifting tasks. The 2003 Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering, 12–13 December, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Wu YZ, Cheng CM, Lee PL, Lin YY, Yeh TC, Wu YT, and Hsieh JC. (2002) Dynamic brain activities in movement-related magnetic fields: an MEG study. The 2002 Annual Conference of the Neuroscience Society, 5 October, Taipei, Taiwan. (oral presentation)
- Wu YZ, Cheng CM, Lee PL, Lin YY, Yeh TC, Wu YT, and Hsieh JC. (2002) Movement-related neuromagnetic fields in the brain: an MEG study. The 2002 Annual Conference of National Yang-Ming University, 22 June, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Hung CS, Lee PL, Wu YZ, Cheng CM, Chou CC, Lin CY, Chen LF, Chen YS, Lin YY, Yeh TC, Wu YT, Ho LT, and Hsieh JC. (2002) Increased Motor Preparation Efficiency in the Pianist’s Brain: A MEG study. The 3rd Annual review meeting on Human Brain Project: From Genes to Cognition, 3 Dec., Taipei, Taiwan.
- Shih CY, Lee CW, Wu YZ. (2002) The Differences among Coronary Risk Factors of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Male Aborigines Based on Age in Eastern Taiwan. Formosan Journal of Physical Therapy. September, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Wu YZ, Lee CW. (2000) The Differences in Risk Factors of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Based on Gender and Age. Formosan Journal of Physical Therapy, November 25(6):s74, Taipei, Taiwan. (oral presentation)
- 吳育儒、陳世銘 (2021)。物理因子治療學(電療、熱療學)。初版。台中市:華格那。
- 吳育儒、陳淑玲 (2019)。神經疾病物理治療學。三版。台中市:華格那。
- 曹昭懿、陸哲駒、林世峰、李映琪、黃睦升、吳育儒等(2017)。物理因子治療學。初版。台中市:華格那。
- 吳英黛、胡名霞、曹昭懿、蔡美文、彭瓊琦、吳育儒、陳文英、許妙如、劉文瑜、林佩欣 (2013)。實證物理治療。初版。台北市:禾楓書局。